Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dr. George Ketchum's Antebellum Villa/Career

Dr. George Ketchum, one of the wealthiest citizens of Mobile at that time, owned a grand antebellum villa at 1007 Government Street across from Willis' Aunt Elizabeth Bolles Douglass, where the Inner City Church of Chris is now located. George Augustus Ketchum started his medical practice in Mobile in 1846 after graduating from the Uiversity of Pennsylvania. Dr. Ketchum's stellar career being one of the first physicians to administer quinine in the early stages of yellow fever in addition to finding ways to improve unsanitary conditions and provide clean city water. Dr. Ketchum also assisted in the founding of the Medical Association of Alabama in 1847 and organized the Medical College of Alabama which is still standing.

Tom McGee, "The Magnificent Ketchumsw "Magnolia Messanger September 2003.

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